Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tech Briefing: Cloud Computing Demand a "Gentler" Oracle

Over the past several years, Oracle has had to transition into a more customer-centric company from its previous more "bombastic" persona. In the 1990's and early 2000's Oracle was known for charging customers high rates for enterprise database usage and maintenance contracts. This kept customers paying long after the initial sale was made. Now that Oracle has started shifting to the cloud, they have had to play by a different set of rules.

Oracle is shifting to focusing more on the customers. To start testing customer preferences they interestingly started testing different cloud products on their own internal users. This was done to "reduce the time to value for customers." Oracle is trying to reduce the deployment time of their cloud services and need of hiring data scientists and data engineers.

I think it's interesting how Oracle is trying to make the shift to cloud computing. I think they need to make the shift to keep up with competitors like IBM and AWS, but it'll be interesting to see how they actually grow their cloud computing side of the business. This is a company that was built off licencing and cloud services take a bit of time to understand and implement.

Do you think that Oracle is taking the right move and making the shift to cloud services and focusing more on their customers?

Do you think it's possible for a company to make this kind of shift successfully?


  1. Hey Natalie good article. Our 427/527 ERP class was just talking about this same subject with Professor Patti and Walt Zipperman. I think it is the right move because most companies want cloud or hybrid network architectures and ERP systems today. Although it is more costly for Oracle to make this move, because they have to maintain and perform better than in the past, it is needed to keep their customers. If they don't make this move now they risk losing a massive amount of market share to competitors.

  2. Most things in use today have some sort of cloud component to them so I think it is wise for Oracle to make this shift. Cloud offers more storage space as well as better security in terms of losing data. This is attractive to many users. As Mark said above, they need to switch unless they want to lose market share. I also think Oracle is capable of making the shift so long as they put effort into working out the kinks before going to customers with the new products. It it very smart of them to do internal testing.

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