Monday, October 30, 2017

Tech Briefing: Chipmaker Qualcomm Bets On Healthcare's Wireless Future

"Chipmaker Qualcomm Bets On Healthcare's Wireless Future"

This article discusses how Qualcomm is investing in things like virtual reality and how it can benefit the health care sector. VR is a tool that can help doctors, "better understand, diagnose, and treat patients in real life." Virtual reality helps doctors experience different patience scenarios like never before, allowing them to better understand symptoms, illnesses, practice difficult surgeries, etc.

Currently, Qualcomm is working on 5G technology which is promising more bandwidth and higher mobile data connections, and believes that the health care sector is a good place for a "worthy beneficiary" of their new developments.

Not only is Qualcomm investing in VR, but tey believe that with 5G it is possible to make an "Internet of Medical Things." Think of how there are connected homes, you can connect and control almost everything in your home now, this is what they believe can happen with the medical field. Connect patient devices that monitor blood pressure, glucose levels, etc.

They have a lot of hurdles in the future if they want to see these changes happen, but I think that Qualcomm is on the right track. They can definitely be shaping a different future for the health care sectors.

What are your thoughts about the "Internet of Medical Things?"
Do you think that Qualcomm is shaping how the health care sector will operate in the future if they are able to offer new 5G technology?


  1. Hi Natalie,

    Great post you have here, very interesting!

    I have been apprehensive to VR for a long time now in terms of how it can be used for video games. However, I have been all for it in terms of its ability in the healthcare sector.

    It is exciting to see a company as large as Qualcomm taking the reins and looking more into VT. I'd be excited to see what they decide to do with it in terms of their research and development.

    It is also very interesting to see the different generations of bandwidth capabilities growing up with the different models of cell phones over the past decade.

    In regards to your question, if Qualcomm can successfully pair 5G with VR, then I see a lot more people being saved in the emergency room than ever before.

    Exciting stuff!

    Troy Caber

  2. Hi Natalie!

    Your post was very interesting!

    I have personally used a virtual reality tool for a video game on the Samsung VR goggles. It was so crazy to me how it worked and how it felt so real while in the moment. On the other side, after watching my family members try, it looked so bizarre and ridiculous.

    In my opinion, health care is very important and the industry deserves first dibs at new technology if it helps them save more lives.

    One concern I have with virtual reality, is companies, such as hospitals, would need to be sure not to become too codependent on theses systems. If for some reason the systems crashed or there was a failed update, doctors still need to be able to know how to treat and diagnose patients on their own.

    I do believe that Qualcomm is in the works of being successful at shaping how the healthcare sector will operate in the future if they get the opportunity to get 5G technology. A ton of research and development will go into this project, but in the end I see it saving lives.

    -Lindsay Logsdon

  3. Hi Natalie!

    I enjoyed reading your tech briefing and found it to be very interesting. As of recent, I have had an interest in the healthcare industry and the components that tie together with information technology. One would not realize that healthcare and information technology really go hand and hand, as there is a lot of private and proprietary information that should not get out.

    The "Internet of Medical Things" is definitely a new term to myself, but the meaning behind it makes a lot of sense. The healthcare industry is filled with an array of components that make it so vast. Everything is interconnected from one thing to another and information security should be at the forefront of everything.

    Qualcomm working in virtual reality is something that I find very interesting. Technology is something that has shaped the world immensely over time and makes our lives and jobs easier hopefully. Using virtual reality can be very efficient and allow members of the healthcare industry make new discoveries.

    Thanks again for this post, it was awesome!

    -Andrew Hom
