Thursday, November 23, 2017

Tech Briefing:Uber Paid Hackers to Delete Stolen Data on 57 Million People

This article focuses on a latest news about Uber user information security. More than 57 million Uber user's information, including their names, addresses, phone numbers, even credit card numbers are stolen by hackers.

This news is critical for MIS students to think about in their future career. One of the biggest MIS questions to concern, security issue. Information Assurance is extremely important in the digital age. Just a quick search on the Internet will allow you to discover a tremendous amount of information about specific people, places, projects, or just about any topic you could conceive. The U.S. Government started their IA program to define Information Security as a priority. Agencies of the U.S. Government who handle sensitive information must follow strict guidelines in order to ensure this information remains secure. The risk of general data loss or the risk of losing sensitive information is far too great to not have plans in place to help mitigate the risks. While the Government has adopted this philosophy, corporations and other organizations are beginning to see the wisdom in adopting Information Assurance programs. According to the 2014 Verizon Wireless Data Breach Information Report there were 1,367 confirmed data breaches and over 63,000 security incidents in 2013 alone.

1. During the incident, what does Uber lose? (i.e:credibility, reliability from customer,etc)
2. How can IT specialist improve information assurance?
3.What Uber can do to fix the problem?



  1. Due to the fact that the security attack violated privacy of over 57 million drivers and customers, Uber definitely will be taking the back seat for a while when it comes to rebuilding a secure customer rapport. In steps to resurface, the CEO has taken a step down but is still a part of the company chair. It is hard to believe that a company as giant and as well known as uber had the audacity to try and keep such a huge breach under wraps. Since the revelation UBER has taken steps to hire an adviser from the National Security Agency and as well as cover costs for those customers and drivers for any means necessary in identity theft prevention.
    It specialist are only as helpful as the skills they maintain. Secure measures will always be taken although there best bet is staying solid in recovery. Hackers will always find a way around any system and how IT specialist deal with the outcome will be how the only saving grace after a breach.
    As mentioned above UBER has taken steps to improve their process, although I believe they need to fully find a way to be rid of the CEO as he is a bad seed for the company. His actions were monumental and could have been the initial and last straw for UBERs fall as a company.
    The article below further acknowledges steps being taken to improve information assurance:

  2. I actually read this same article, and thought it was a bit dim of Uber to believe that if they paid off hackers that they would certainly delete the data. Hackers wouldn't necessarily be considered the most upstanding, rule-abiding citizen, since they literally break into technology as a living. I think it's interesting because as much as we want to trust others' honesty, we cannot always do so. Do you think there is a way to guarantee that hackers would actually delete the information they stole? If so, how?

  3. Uber definitely loses credibility to its customer's simply because their personal information was compromised. The way that Uber dealt with the situation was very "hush-hush" and could easily be considered as unethical. Uber will also lose some of it's customer base due to this, with companies such as Lyft offering a similar business model without these sorts of breaches. The fact that they tried to bribe the hackers to delete the information proves that. An IT specialist could help with information assurance, however when a breach of this proportions happens security concerns definitely arise. Going forward Uber will have to revisit their security in place, and focus on gaining their customer trust back.

  4. Wow, talk about an unethical move! I can't believe Uber did this. I have not seen this make much mainstream news and I think many Uber users will continue to use Uber without second thought. They definitely have a scar on their reputation but I think they will survive.

    This is not the first time a company has tried to hide a security breach. Do you think it is best for a company to try to hide and/or fix a security breach privately or should they disclose it to the public? Obviously, both will be harmful to their reputation, but which is truly worse? And what is more important? Company success or their obligation to their relationship with their consumers? I think it should be the latter.

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