Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Machine Learning: The Dope and the Flawed

First and foremost, let’s understand what Machine Learning is. According to Software and Solutions:

“Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that machines should be able to learn and adapt through experience”
With this, computers develop the ability to try and see a form or “structure” to a large amount of data. It will, by itself learn or find any patterns in data even if it may not be apparent to a human. A machine can sift through an unimaginable amount of data almost instantaneously.

Huawei has recently released their new P10 smartphone which uses machine learning to actually learn your habits in order to better optimize performance and maximize battery life. In theory, it will memorize a users habits and optimize performance for all apps regarding it. They report that they people can potentially see Applications launching 20% faster as a result of these actions.
Although that is an example of a practical application of machine learning, Youtube has used Machine Learning in order to go through its seemingly endless catalog of videos and either delete videos with "extremist" connotations or to either monetize or demonetize videos. Although it is good in the sense that it is able to sort through petabytes of information faster than Humans, there have been concerns regarding the demonetization of Youtubers whom rely on the website as a way of  living or a source of income.

This begs a few questions:

1. Is machine learning mature enough to be used for such a delicate thing as people's        lively hoods.
2. What other technologies or industrial sectors can machine learning be applied to?

Source for Machine Learning

Source for Huawei P10

Source for Youtube and Demonetization


  1. Is machine learning mature enough to be used for such a delicate thing as people's lively hoods.
    Machine learning is a fantastic tool that is taking over the tech industry today. I do believe that Machine Learning is powerful enough to be used on personal uses. These capabilities can learn and adapt to what a particular consumer wants, needs, and desires. Once a machine understands how the human functions they can help gather what resources they require for optimal happiness.
    2. What other technologies or industrial sectors can machine learning be applied to?
    Machine learning has endless capabilities, and ways it can be implemented to improve business practices. ML could be used in banking for improved data analysis metrics, retail to improve buying pattern analytics, and in IT solution development. I am excited to be apart of a generation that employs Machine Learning in a multitude of industries

  2. 1. The Youtube implementation of AI learning has been regarded by those who create on the site as the adpocalypse and have suffered because of it. I think that Youtube is taking an easy way out to cater to those who are easily offended and they have lost one of their foundational ideals because of it. In a way, this mass demonitization is a form of suppression of the freedom of speech where many creator have made a living from a controversial character or content. The argument given back is that the creators are free to post on another site, but this is just not true. When there is a company like Youtube that has a majority of the market, there isn't really anywhere else for these creators to go.
    I do believe that machine learning can be utilized in science to cure diseases and possible could revolutionize practically any industry. It seems like we're moving into an age where many people will rely on a AI assistant in some regard. This optimization and movement towards an intelligent AI brings up some scary situations as well. If Elon Musk is scared, we should be too and I'll leave it at that.

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