Thursday, November 2, 2017

Tech Briefing: DeepMind has yet to find out how smart its AlphaGo Zero Al could be

DeepMind is a world leader in artificial intelligence research and its purpose for positive impact. The company was acquired by Google in 2014, and since then it has created a neural network that learns how to play video games just like humans do. In 2016 the company broke headlines when its AlphaGo program beat a professional Go human player and then later on again against the world champion. Once DeepMind mastered the ability to beat the best human players in the world, it attempted to beat its own best games using a self-taught feature on a Go player, which ways alter on called AlphaGo Zero.
AlphaGo Zero has managed to rediscover over 3,000 years’ worth of human intelligence through the game and only within 72 hours. The intelligence was such a great achievement due to its immense speed and its ability to create and start from scratch by trying different random movements and determining which were found most effective.
At Google’s Go North conference, DeepMind CEO and co-founder, Demis Hassabis, explained how AlphaGo Zero has yet to reach its full potential. They actually shut down the experiment before they could conclude the maximum intelligence because they “needed the computers for something else”. The company may start the experiment back up in the future to determine how much further it can go.

1.     Do you think using something such as AlphaGo can be implemented elsewhere in the world besides video games?
2.     Are you worried about how far something like this can go?

3.     When will the intelligence stop? Or will it ever do you think?


  1. Hello Lindsay,
    Good article. I think it is interesting that they shut down the experiment. To answer your second question I would be worried if they continue to use deep mind in competitive formats like learning game play. I worry about how they will use a competitive self learning computer, Would this competitive nature be the base code for autonomous AI. In that case would we want the base code of AI to be built around a competitive nature?

  2. This is an interesting article, I think this kind of technology is amazing. The things technology can accomplish now a days, I can't really fathom anymore. As for your last question, I think that this type of intelligence won't stop. AlphaGo showed how quickly it can gather data from just video gaming, I think that this technology has so much potential and can be used in really any situation where there is are human decisions taking place.

  3. This is an interesting concept in terms of artificial intelligence. It is both fascinating in the practicality and the capabilities that it gives to humanity. Truly a time where we have the potential to create something with humanities talents and better propel our species forward. But often times, humans like to make things in their image. What if such an intelligence begins to learn from us? Will it learn what we hold beautiful and peaceful? Or are those concepts purely human and thus illogical.

  4. I think it would be very easy for AI technology to take over the world and replace the general need for humans if not handled with caution. These technologies are able to perform like humans, or better, without all of the complicated things that hinder humans overall (e.g. flaws and emotions). I think companies will begin to exploit that fact as using machine learning technology will be more efficient and less complicated. Although this will benefit companies looking to cut down costs or increase production, we will hurt our society overall by ridding hard workers of their jobs and not utilizing the human emotions that allow us to constantly improve and be creative.

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