Wednesday, December 6, 2017

San Francisco says No to Delivery Drones

Yesterday, government official elected to put restrictions on the recent implementation of autonomous delivery robots. These robots work much like driver-less cars in that they navigate through the environment using an array of different sensors and lasers to find their way around. Unlike cars though, these robots need not be concerned with high speeds, instead they must navigate the business of the sidewalk. Currently these robots are remote controlled by a person following behind, the ultimate goal is to be able to monitor this from a distance. Due to the vote companies like Dispatch, Marble, and Starship are now only allowed to use the robots for research and only in certain locations at certain times.

The most interesting part of this article is the social implications that come from robots roaming among us. What kind of relationship will man form with these robots? Imagine seeing a security bot roaming the mall looking for trouble, or robotic nurses giving care to the sick. Both of these have awesome implications of eliminating a prejudiced justice system and a more sanitary and precise way to care for the sick. The implications of seeing delivery bots as you walk around in public is enough to make anyone feel uneasy. It will be interesting to see how robots integrate into our society, but I hope that it doesn't turn out like most sci-fi stories on the subject.

What do you think about the use of automated robots for delivery and other service jobs?

Article link: San Francisco Just Put The Brakes On Delivery Robots

1 comment:

  1. It is kind of a bummer this is happening, because it is cool to think of the possibilities drones could open up, however, I do understand the concerns the city has and that the citizens have. I do think there is a robot-phobia though that is probably an over reaction on the part of everyday citizens.
