Monday, December 4, 2017

Facebook Messenger For Kids

Social Media and the concerns over privacy have become increasingly popular over the course of our lives. I remember I couldn't wait until I turned 13 so I could create a Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace account.  My parents didn't know anything about social media so this was all new territory and they were worried about an online presence. Privacy and the concerns over online bullying has grown over the course of social media's life and now Facebook has launched a new feature called "Messenger Kids."

This new feature allows parents to create a Messenger Profile for their kids and allows approved friends and family to chat with them using the app. Basically, parents can create this messenger profile so their kids can have Facebook messenger with parental controls over their actions on the app.

I just thought this was an interesting article because we now see kids playing on iPhones and iPads as young as the age of 8 or 9. I never had a phone until I was 12, but even then it was a flip phone to be used in updating my mom where I am at or emergencies. I think this just goes to show that raising a kid has now completely changed to monitoring what they do on their phone or online. This app allows kids to talk to their friends online, but in a more safe and controlled manner as opposed to apps like Snapchat.

I am curious to hear what other people have to say about this new feature.

Should kids be allowed to use this app? Would you sign your kid up for Messenger Kids?

Here is a link to the full article:


  1. I think this is an interesting but necessary implementation on Facebook's part. I think, if I was a parent, I would allow my kids to use the kid's version of the app. I feel that my parents only allowed me to use the regular version because there was no alternatives available.

  2. This is an interesting move by Facebook to implement something that encourages children of younger and younger ages to use the application. Where many parents would just say that they are too young to have accounts, now they create a way for the parent to feel better about letting their child have an account early. Nice feature, but it's just a way to get more users.

  3. This is an interesting move by Facebook to implement something that encourages children of younger and younger ages to use the application. Where many parents would just say that they are too young to have accounts, now they create a way for the parent to feel better about letting their child have an account early. Nice feature, but it's just a way to get more users.
